Our Performance

We use key metrics to measure and monitor our performance and progress managing sustainability risks. This data is presented by year or by country and easily downloaded as XLS or PDF spreadsheets.

AXPC ESG Metrics Template 1, 2

Topic Metric Unit 2021 2022 Additional Comments
Greenhouse Gas EmissionsScope 1 GHG Emissionsmetric tons CO2e5,880,410 5,740,354
Scope 1 GHG Intensity
GHG Emissions /Gross Annual Production as Reported Under Subpart W
metric tons CO2e/MBOE13.6 15.0
Percent of GHG Emissions Attributed to Gathering
and Boosting Segment
Scope 2 GHG Emissionsmetric tons CO2e555,982 708,335
Scope 1 & 2 Combined GHG Intensity
Scope 1 GHG Emissions + Scope 2 GHG Emissions /Gross Annual Production as Reported Under Subpart W
metric tons CO2e/MBOE14.916.8
Scope 1 Methane Emissionsmetric tons CH462,181 59,117
Scope 1 Methane Intensity
Scope 1 Methane Emissions/Gross Annual
Production - As Reported Under Subpart W
metric tons CH4/MBOE0.14 0.15
Percent of Methane Emissions Attributed to
Gathering and Boosting Segment
FlaringGross Annual Volume of Flared GasMCFn/an/aPlease refer to our Flaring definitions and volumes as reported in Performance Metrics by Country.
MCF of gas flared per MCF of gas produced
Gross Annual Volume of Flared Gas/Gross
Annual Gas Production
%n/an/aPlease refer to our Flaring definitions and volumes as reported in Performance Metrics by Country.
Volume of gas flared per barrel of oil equivalent produced
Gross Annual Volume of Flared Gas/Gross Annual Production
MCF/BOEn/an/aPlease refer to our Flaring definitions and volumes as reported in Performance Metrics by Country.
SpillsSpill Intensity
Produced Liquids Spilled/Total Produced Liquids
Bbl/Mbbln/an/aPlease refer to our Hydrocarbon Spills related data as reported in Performance Metrics by Country. ConocoPhillips is aligned with the IPIECA Sustainability Reporting Guidance for the Oil and Gas Industry. This scope of this guidance pertains to hydrocarbon spills over 1 bbl and that is what is reported in our performance metrics tables. We do not report on other liquid spill media.
Water UseFresh Water Intensity
Fresh Water Consumed/Gross Annual Production
Bbl/BOE0.080.05BOE expressed as BOE EUR for unconventional assets.
Water Recycle Rate
Recycled Water/Total Water Consumed
Does your company use WRI Aqueduct, GEMI, Water Risk Filter, Water Risk Monetizer, or other comparable tool or methodology to determine the water stressed areas in your portfolio?yes/noyesyes
SafetyEmployee TRIR
# of Employee OSHA Recordable Cases x 200,000 /
Annual Employee Workhours
Contractor TRIR
# of Contractor OSHA Recordable Cases x 200,000 /
Annual Contractor Workhours
Combined TRIR
# of Combined OSHA Recordable Cases x 200,000 /
Annual Combined Workhours
Supporting DataGross Annual Oil ProductionBbl303,290,000349,330,000
Gross Annual Gas ProductionMCF661,420,000 567,090,000
Gross Annual Production
Gross Annual ProductionMBOE412,000 443,880
Gross Annual Production - As Reported Under Subpart WMBOE432,458 384,779
Total Produced LiquidsMBbln/an/aPlease refer to our Hydrocarbon Spills related data as reported in Performance Metrics by Country. ConocoPhillips is aligned with the IPIECA Sustainability Reporting Guidance for the Oil and Gas Industry. This scope of this guidance pertains to hydrocarbon spills over 1 bbl and that is what is reported in our performance metrics tables. We do not report on other liquid spill media.
Produced Liquids SpilledBbln/an/aPlease refer to our Hydrocarbon Spills related data as reported in Performance Metrics by Country. ConocoPhillips is aligned with the IPIECA Sustainability Reporting Guidance for the Oil and Gas Industry. This scope of this guidance pertains to hydrocarbon spills over 1 bbl and that is what is reported in our performance metrics tables. We do not report on other liquid spill media.
Fresh Water ConsumedBbl35,360,000 32,124,525
Recycled WaterBbl342,740,000 312,059,370
Total Water ConsumedBbl546,496,000 523,078,260
Employee OSHA Recordable Cases# of cases30 (11 excluding COVID-19)36 (10 excluding COVID-19)(10 excluding COVID-19)
Contractor OSHA Recordable Cases# of cases112 (42 excluding COVID-19)76 (48 excluding COVID-19)(48 excluding COVID-19)
Combined OSHA Recordable Cases# of cases142 (53 excluding COVID-19)112 (58 excluding COVID-19)(58 excluding COVID-19)
Annual Employee Workhours# of hours13,119,528 13,545,183
Annual Contractor Workhours# of hours53,789,845 77,147,679
MethodologyEmployee workhours based on headcount reports from HR. Contractor hours based on factors applied to spend (by activity type).
Annual Combined Workhours# of hours66,909,373 90,692,862
  1. The basis for the data in the table is defined by AXPC. The GHG data reported is for U.S. operated assets reporting under Subpart W and other metrics corresponding to U.S. operations.
  2. Safety-related data for 2021 and 2022 has been restated to reflect all U.S. operated assets. Rates for 2021 and 2022 are shown including COVID-19 work-related illnesses experienced in 2021 and 2022 as defined by OSHA.