Mastering Algebra Together Houston

The United Way Mastering Algebra Together Houston (M.A.T.H.) program includes both an innovative summer camp and a peer-tutoring program for students who attend elementary and middle schools in underserved communities. These schools often feed into high schools deemed "dropout factories," where at least 40% of students drop out between the ninth and twelfth grades; the M.A.T.H. program in these schools is critical to achieving our ultimate goal: increasing the number of Houston students who pass Algebra 1, graduate from high school and are ready to succeed in college.
M.A.T.H. Camp
In the summer M.A.T.H. Camp, United Way provides Houston-area elementary students one hour of math instruction and one to one and a half hours of math enrichment and experiential learning activities per day. The program helps students understand the importance of math to their education, strengthen their understanding of pre-algebra concepts like decimals, measurement and fractions, build and reinforce valuable algebraic reasoning and skills and explore math-related careers. These fun, hands‐on enrichment activities encourage students to connect math concepts to the world around them.
Peer tutoring
In partnership with Learning Together, United Way’s Math Together peer tutoring program pairs an older student with a younger student who is two grade levels apart. In a caring one -on‐one environment, they move to proficiency, build self‐esteem and are motivated to become lifelong learners. Students meet twice a week for one hour to help each other master algebra skills. United Way Math Together provides introductory sessions for all students in the program, and provides the tutor additional lesson-specific training each week.