Our people

Our strategy, performance, culture and reputation are fueled by our world-class workforce — the heart of our company and business success. We recognize that attracting and developing talent is a competitive imperative within our changing industry. At year‑end 2023, we had approximately 9,900 employees in 13 countries. Read more about our workforce metrics.

We depend on our workforce to successfully execute the company’s strategy and we recognize the importance of creating a workplace where our people feel valued. The Executive Leadership Team (ELT) and board of directors play key roles in setting our Human Capital Management (HCM) strategy and driving accountability for meaningful progress.

Our SPIRIT Values set the foundation for our HCM strategy and all HCM programs are built around three pillars that we believe are necessary for success: A compelling culture, attracting a world-class workforce and valuing our people. Key actions and progress against these pillars are described in more detail below.

A Compelling Culture
  • SPIRIT Values guide everything we do.
  • Annual Perspectives survey used to establish meaningful action plans tied to employee feedback.
  • A dedicated DEI organization aligns strategic actions with DEI pillars: People, programs and process, culture, and our external brand and reputation.
  • Data analytics leveraged to track key workforce/engagement metrics through transparent internal dashboards and expanded external disclosures.
  • Support flexible ways of working through hybrid work program.
  • Office improvement and integration projects enhance employees’ workplace experience.
Attracting a World-Class Workforce
  • Consistent recruitment and selection practices minimize bias.
  • Actively partner with trade associations and nonprofit organizations to broaden talent pipelines.
  • U.S. Summer Internship Program offers university students a compelling, hands-on experience.
  • Fostering significant long-standing partnerships with universities to build external pipelines of early-career talent; strengthening partnerships with Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) and Hispanic-serving institutions.
  • Investing in strengthening our future workforce by making financial contributions to universities.
valuing our people
  • Robust succession planning process to ensure we have talent available for critical leadership roles.
  • Hands-on global Talent Management Teams (TMTs) guide employee development.
  • Real-time recognition programs provide employees with monetary and nonmonetary awards.
  • Reward employees for contributing to our success through:
    • Competitive performance-based compensation packages; global equitable pay practices.
    • Compensation programs linking individual and company performance.
    • Inclusive global benefits informed by external market practices and employee needs/feedback.
    • Global wellness programs addressing physical/mental well-being.
    • Expanded benefits to support families.

People by the Numbers infographic

Global Representation infographic

Global employee representation

U.S. employee representation

2022 Human Capital Management Report (HCM)

This report details the actions we are taking to inspire a compelling culture, attract and retain great people, provide rewarding opportunities and meet our commitments to all stakeholders.